Electronic Workflows (Eng. & Mfg.)

Electronic Workflows

Convert your inefficient paper based processes
to powerful electronic workflows


  • Portal provides a simple solution to design and implement electronic workflows. Process participants can work on specific tasks within the process. The entire team has visibility to the process making the collaboration easier. Has built-in process metrics dashboard to make business decisions easier

Key Features

  • Ready to use workflows for key processes (DFMEA, FMEA, Engineering Change Approval, Manufacturability reviews, Document Control, Document retention.)
  • Supports ad-hoc and structured processes
  • Individual, team, sequential and parallel step options are supported
  • Red, Yellow, Green classification of active processes
  • Process history is permanently maintained


  • Ensure consistency in the way tasks, processes and projects get done
  • Training new employees to follow company practices is easy
  • Compliance related activities can be forced to be part of processes
  • Dynamic reports on process metrics provide better business insight
  • Visibility to the staff workload
  • Best practices can be made part of company workflows