Records Management
A cloud based solution for helping organizations deploy a simple yet powerful document management solution.

- Records management module of the portal helps you digitally store all HR related records to meet compliance mandates and streamline HR related activities
- Has ready to use digital file cabinets for employee records, accidents, grievances, performance reviews, job applications, etc.
- Facilitates easy storage, search, retrieval and strict access control to confidential documents
- Scanned records can be loaded and indexed to reduce hard copy storage
Key Features

- Ready to use digital file cabinets for all HR documents
- Index fields to search and retrieve documents
- Keyword/Context sensitive search (if OCR activated)
- Control user access to none, one or more file cabinets
- Manage user level access within a file cabinet to document types, departments, etc.
- Save files in multiple formats
- Append pages to existing document
- Email from search results (Helps in resolving customer service issues)
- Rapid Indexing Features (Edit fields, Incrementing field values, etc.)
- Auditing (Capture audit time and audit by)
- Smart Docs feature (Create an automatic task for processing)
- Control who can Audit, Index, View, Delete, etc.
- Maintain “Obsolete"/"Shred" date and track with Smart Docs
- Copy or Replace file feature to reduce redundant indexing
- Track access history
- Bulk upload native electronic files or scanned files
- Publish the files to web (Meeting Minutes or other public documents)


- Subscribe to the Portal and you can run your department with best practices
- Maintain “Obsolete"/"Shred" date and track with Smart Docs feature
- Provide redundancy for your records